Tuesday, March 17, 2009

I wonder..

A quick look at Recession Reading tells me that the sales of romance novels are on a rise.I recall having read the same, after 9/11 when more people got married, and there was a sudden baby boom that followed.Why is that so?Does presence of love make situations easier to bear or withstand?

Talking of babies, did you think having a dyslexic kid was a bane?Worried sick,thinking why do they think the way they think?What if they never change?What will they grow up to be?Are they really queer?To them, they must be appearing normal.They are so wrong about their self perception,arent they?

Infact, they are much beyond "NOrmal" :)

What is normalcy by the way?Being in a state of homeostasis?What if it gets disturbed?Can It be restored?Depends on the extent on damage done.Can I truly restore, all that I had mercilessly exploited?Do I mean it?Is that to restore brand image to restore what you had lost alongside?Even if it is,will 2012 see it or will it fizz out?Time will tell.

Though it does feel bad, when your trust is exploited.Foot the looters,en route your suite!Sounds stupid, Suicidal.So is that what bailouts actually are?After what AIG did,do you think you are insured enough?(as one of the IYI users commented)

Why does this happen?Is it plain greed?What gives them the confidence that they won't be caught?What is the answer?Stricter regulations?More watchdogs?Pushing the limits at times like these can indeed be akin to, signing your own pink slip

So if you really want to be enterprising, either be Calvin

or think hatke ;)


  1. Being Calvin! Yay!! Good idea... I think I'll do that...

  2. Goofiness at its best and you can get away with it too
